Thursday, June 28, 2007

Early Digital Camera Pioneer Steven Sasson

John Larish has posted an interesting historical article on about Steven Sasson, an early inventor of digital camera technology. Here is an excerpt.

…Steven Sasson joined Kodak in 1973. He graduated from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute in 1972 with a BS and earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering in 1973. About that time, Kodak was hiring electrical engineers, which wasn’t typical as they usually hired physics majors and mechanical engineers. But because more and more camera and photofinishing equipment required electronic knowledge, they were looking for electrical engineers.

I’d never built a regular camera; what made me think I could build anything with this CCD device? I decided to take a shot at building an all-electronic camera, and I took a digital approach because my background was digital and I could avoid the mechanical complexities I didn’t know how to deal with…

Read the entire article on

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