KoffeePhoto is a complete photo management solution including a software for local management and background photo upload tasks as well as a web space for photo sharing and print ordering tasks. Albums are available for viewing by anyone anywhere at anytime. KoffeePhoto thus perfectly addressed the needs of the general public use: a lot of pictures taken and shared with family and friends rapidly, without limitation nor hassle. Pictures can be displayed interactively or through a full screen Flash based slideshow. Size of the screen used is automatically detected to optimize display and bandwidth usage. More, the pictures can be displayed on personalized home pages or web pages using the modules available for iGoogle and Netvibes.
The main advantage of the KoffeePhoto photo sharing solution is the distributed storage. The original files are stored on the computers of fellows sharing the picture and are the source for a restoration of the photo library if lost. This distributed storage offers a straightforward solution for patrimonial archiving of photos which will become a more and more critical task as more digital pictures are taken and the computer's life time scarely exceeds a couple of years.
Last, KoffeePhoto provides for integrated photo prints ordering through multiple online vendors. Uploads to these printing services have also been optimized in order to reduce the upload time and improve the customer experience. Copied from server to server, transfer is close to instantaneous.
"This simplification of our photo storage and sharing solution fully addresses requirements expressed by our users" claims Carl Conrad, Marketing Manager of KoffeeWare, editor of KoffeePhoto. "and allows us to provide our partners with the right tools for an increased activity and turnover."
"Our new software architecture helped us to achieve far better synchronization times and allow KoffeePhoto to offer the fastest means of sharing hundreds of pictures." adds Gilles Pommereuil, CTO of KoffeeWare, editor of KoffeePhoto.
KoffeePhoto is available from http://www.koffeephoto.com/.
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