Published on the Casio Worldwide digital camera downloads site, the new firmware releases include the following:
Casio EXILIM EX-S770 Version 1.02 - adds support for SDHC memory cards with capacities of 8GB or greater, as well as support for Windows Vista PTP image transfer;
Casio EXILIM EX-Z1000 Version 1.03 - adds support for SDHC memory cards with capacities of 8GB or greater;
Casio EXILIM EX-Z850 Version 1.20 - adds support for SDHC memory cards with capacities of 8GB or greater;
Casio EXILIM EX-Z850 Version 1.2B - an alternative to the 1.20 firmware above, this contains the same SDHC card compatibility change, but also offers improved HQ mode movie quality (less noise, smoother lines) but this is achieved at the cost of a 40% narrower field of view in HQ movie mode. This firmware is also said to fix a problem with snapshot processing in the V1.1B firmware.As for the software, Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM Version for Windows allows users of the company's Photo Loader software to migrate to the newer HOT ALBUM software, while Photo Transport Version for Windows adds compatibility with the new Windows Vista operating system.
All of the above can be downloaded from the Casio Worldwide digital camera download site.
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