We may not have the flying suitcase car as on
The Jetsons (a big disappointment for me) but the 21st century has allowed anyone to become a photographer. Even the smallest cellular phone these days has at least a 1MP digital camera for quick snapshots or video. Even an event like the hanging of Saddam Hussein was captured by a cell phone camera. Enter the
iPhone from Apple. The company has included a 2MP digital camera on this new cellular innovation, along with the ability to synch practically any digital content including e-mail, movies, music, photos, and even web bookmarks, the iPhone will be available in 4GB and 8GB versions. Even though most current pocket cameras are now up to 8-10MP, at 2MP I suspect these images would generally be regulated to e-mail or uploading to someone’s MySpace webpage. However 2MP can also produce decent 4x6 prints. I can’t wait to see the image quality generated by this device. Taking grab shots while listening to the latest Red Hot Chili Peppers tune on the same device is an exciting prospect. Then, once the shot has been taken to immediately e-mail it to friends or uploading it to your blog…pretty friggin’ cool. Despite the high price,
potential lawsuit problems due to trademark violations, the glaring fact that the FCC hasn’t yet approved it, and that Cingular is the only cellular carrier available for the iPhone (at least for now), Apple should see some great success once these issues are resolved. It also won’t be long before the competition (Microsoft, Samsung, Verizon, etc.) has their own version of this type of device to compete with Apple. So the consumer will benefit as 2007 progresses as I believe even more multi-use devices will be introduced that will include at least a 2MP digital camera. But I still want my own flying, suitcase car...
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